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Keyboard Shortcuts

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Do you want to know if there is a keyboard shortcut for a given view? Hold a pointer over an item (e.g. projects list, categories, team) for at least 2 second to see a tooltip hint.


Web app Shortcuts

To get your things done efficiently use the following shortcuts:

Navigation shortcuts
S Priority
I Inbox
P Projects
C Categories
D Calendar
O New comments
M Templates
W Team
F Search
Global shortcuts
SPACE quick adding task window
N Manual sync
H Contact form (available only for paid accounts)
Task list shortcuts
A Add new task at the top of the list
B Add new task at the bottom of the list
E Turn on/off edit mode off active task list
Task list navigation shortcuts
Move cursor up
Move cursor down
Open task details
Close task details
Popover list navigation shortcuts
Move cursor up
Move cursor down
ENTER Mark selected value
Ctrl ENTER Confirm
Task details shortcuts
S Set/Unset priority
P Set project
W  Set person responsible
C Set category
T Set time needed
D Set date
R Set repeat
ENTER Add new comment
Ctrl ENTER Save text comment

macOS app shortcuts

On Mac keyboard shortcuts are little more powerful. Most of them also works on iPad.

All shortcuts are listed in the App in native menu:

native menu OSX
Navigation shortcuts
1 Priority
2 Inbox
3 Projects
^⌘3  Project Labels
4 Categories
5 Calendar
6 New comments
7 Templates
8 Team
F Search
⌘**,** Settings
⌘**[**  Back
⌘**]** Forward
Task list shortcuts
N Add new task on top of the list/switch task adding arrow to the bottom of the list
E Turn on/off edit mode off active task list
ENTER Confirm new task name and open new comment in it
⌥⌘F  Set filter
⌥⌘S Set sort
⌥⌘1 Show settings
⌥⌘2  Show activity
⌥⌘3 Show attachments
⌥⌘R Mark all comments as read in New Comments view
Task list navigation shortcuts
Move cursor up
Move cursor down
Open task details
Close task details
Popover list navigation shortcuts
Move cursor up
Move cursor down
ENTER Mark selected value
ENTER Confirm
Task details shortcuts
D Mark as completed
⇧⌘S  Mark/Unmark as priority
⇧⌘P Set project
⇧⌘W  Set person responsible
⇧⌘C Set category
⇧⌘T Set time needed
⇧⌘D  Set date
⇧⌘R Set repeat
⇧⌘E Rename
⌥⌘C Add new comment
ENTER Save comment
⌥⌘T Add new checklist
⌥⌘A Add new attachment
Go to previous task
Go to next task
Quick add task hotkey
Control+⌘+T adds a new task to your Nozbe Classic account regardless of where you are (e.g. another application, mailing program, …)
Quick add OS X

You can edit that particular shortcut by going to Settings -> General:

Native app settings OS X

Windows app shortcuts

All shortcuts are listed in the App in native menu:

native menu Windows
Global shortcuts
Ctrl + Zoom in
Ctrl - Zoom out
Navigation shortcuts
Ctrl 1 Priority
Ctrl 2 Inbox
Ctrl 3 Projects
Ctrl⇧ 3 Project Labels
Ctrl 4 Categories
Ctrl 5 Calendar
Ctrl 6 New comments
Ctrl 7 Templates
Ctrl 8 Team
Ctrl F Search
Ctrl , Settings
Ctrl [ Back
Ctrl ] Forward
Task list shortcuts
Ctrl N Add new task on top of the list/switch task adding arrow to the bottom of the list
Ctrl E Turn on/off edit mode off active task list
Ctrl ENTER Confirm new task name and open new comment in it
Ctrl⇧ F Set filter
Ctrl⇧ O Set sort
Ctrl⇧ I Show settings (infobar)
Ctrl⇧ Y Show activity
Ctrl⇧ H Show attachments
Ctrl⇧ L Mark all comments as read in New Comments view
Task list navigation shortcuts
  Move cursor up
Move cursor down
Open task details
Close task details
Popover list navigation shortcuts
 Move cursor up
Move cursor down
ENTER Mark selected value
Ctrl ENTER Confirm
Task details shortcuts
Ctrl D Mark as completed
Ctrl⇧ S Mark/Unmark as priority
Ctrl⇧ P Set project
Ctrl⇧ W Set person responsible
Ctrl⇧ C Set category
Ctrl⇧ T Set time needed
Ctrl⇧ D Set date
Ctrl⇧ R  Set repeat
Ctrl⇧ E  Rename
Ctrl⇧ M Add new comment
Ctrl Enter Save comment
Ctrl⇧ K Add new checklist
Ctrl⇧ A Add new attachment
Ctrl  Go to previous task
Ctrl  Go to next task
Quick add task - hotkey
Ctrl+Shift+Space adds a new task to your Nozbe Classic account regardless of where you are (e.g. another application, mailing program, …)
Quick add Windows

You can turn on that particular shortcut by going to Settings->General:

Native app settings Windows

These Windows shortcuts are compatible with Linux.